2nd Quarter Review


The second quarter ends in a few days. I didn’t really take that in until I looked at my schedule of blog topics. Then I panicked. Did I get anything done? Or was the second quarter more personal growth than career oriented?  

With reluctance, I pulled out my writing planner and checked off or line out all the tasks I wanted to get done. 

Here’s the rundown. 

I had three big goals: 

  • Goal one was to finish drafting Killing Me. Big check mark with gold stars and glitter. It’s in a drawer and as done as it’s going to be for a little while.  

  • Goal two was to start editing The Devil You Know. It’s printed out and being read. I’m so glad I’m working on this one again. Great story that needs some tweaks. But I love this manuscript.

  • Goal three was outreach goals. I nailed more of them than I thought I did. Let me break them down.

  1. I learned how to make Instagram reels.

  2. I’m not great at them, but I know the basics.

  3. I gained followers, which will help me down the road.

  4. I’m in two intensive courses. It’s a lot of time away from the creative parts of writing worth it. Only need two more classes to make my goal of six classes in 2022.

  5. I had an article out every Wednesday.

  6. I took part in my writing and business groups.

  7. I reached my goal for Camp Nanowrimo.


I always underestimate what I’ve accomplished. Writing these rundowns helps hold me accountable. My head can’t stay stuck in the sand. 

Photo by Markus Winkler: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-a-typewriter-4160088/

Typewriter with a piece of paper that says goals.

Our household had two huge punches to the gut. We’ve not weathered either of them yet, but I’m glad to see I didn’t abandon my writing goals during the crazy of May and June. Life didn’t stop. And neither did I.  

The third quarter is always my slowest. It’s the lull before the Nanowrimo storm takes hold. I’m mulling over goals. There are so many changes in our household, that I think I want to leave space for rest and creativity.  

Where are you at with your goals for the year? If you feel you aren’t getting much accomplished, look at what you are actually doing. Maybe you’re reading more or doing art or maybe being a slug. I like slug days. They empower me for the work I need to get done later. But don’t beat yourself up. Just adjust. Maybe make a small goal and figure out how to get it done.  

This weekend I’ll work on the third quarter goals. We’ll see how we go.