What Does Success Look Like To You


No matter who you write for, yourself, a partner or a cast audience of hungry fans, if you ask a room of writers what success looks like you’ll get a bunch of answers. Some talk about being published, some want to complete a decent first draft, others want an agent, or social media accolades while another wants to win contests. 

There are so many ways to measure a writer’s success. I hadn’t thought about success being varied. Boy, did I learn this lesson the hard way. I assumed everyone was working towards the same dream I had. An author explained she just wanted to be published. It surprised her I wasn’t in a hurry to self-publish.

Photo by: Gerd Altmann

We all look at a blank page and make a tale for others. In my group of writer friends, each member has their own end goal. One enjoyed being in charge of their own publishing. One has an agent and is working hard to be traditionally published. One wanted to see their books on the bookshelf in stores. The goals were disparate, with none of us describing success in the same way. All of us are serious writers, but our goals were varied enough to surprise me.  

First, let me say that none of us mentioned being millionaires. None of us had money as the biggest motivator. It surprised me because ultimately all of us wanted to be successful. We all had different goal posts, but cash wasn’t the main show.  

Second, we all want to be published. Period. We want the words we write to be read by others. It’s the hardest thing we do as writers. We put what we feel into a novel and stick it out there to have its head lopped off by the sword of book reviewers.  

Third, what we considered published differed. Some wanted to self-publish. Others want to be traditionally published. Even in just these two categories success looked different. Small press? No editor? No agent? 

Photo by: Zach Durant

There are so many ways to measure success. Sometimes that means the green monster of jealously pays a visit. For instance, someone I admire walked into a meeting and got a book deal on the spot. My jaw hit the floor. Then I remembered she had almost a million followers on social media. Built in market. Do I have to have a huge social media following to be successful these days? I don’t know, but with COVID-19 and the big five becoming the big four, there is little doubt that things are changing.  

I’m breaking my success into pieces. Smaller bites. I’ve been writing for a while. What my picture of what success looks like hasn’t moved. It has intensified as I watch fellow writers move towards their own success.

If you have a chance, get in a group with other writers and soak up all the vibes. After COVID-19. I keep forgetting how our lives have changed.  

Figure out what you want, then go get it. I have said this so many times. We build our reality. Use a bold brush and paint yourself into your ultimate dream of success. You’re worth it.  

If you had to say what success looks like to you, what would you say?