Self-Help Book of the Month Happiness is the Way

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I love a good self-help book. It’s hard to find ones that don’t preach so hard I want to cover my eyes, or ones that aren’t a regurgitation of someone else’s ideas.  

This month I’ve been reading Happiness is the Way by Wayne Dyer. I still have a bit more to go before the end. Normally, I would slam the book. I don’t like sharing my opinion on a book I haven’t finished. So, up front, still reading.  

The reason I didn’t stay up all night to read? It’s that good. I will not rush. It’s too awesome. Not sure I’ve ever said that about a self-help book.  

Most of the time I read a book and get one or two things out of it. Either it’s the wrong book for where I’m at or I’ve heard it all before. Not that I’m bored or that I don’t need to learn something again from a fresh perspective, but when I read a new book, I want to read something new. 

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
— Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer had an empire built on his plain speaking and charisma. He died knowing he had made a difference. This book was written from some of his audio, mostly from speaking engagements.  

While there are chapters, the book is told in vignettes. I’ve been stopping to let things percolate when I get to a scene break. The book is dead simple. There is nothing that would keep even a child reader from picking up lessons that would carry them their entire lives.  

The past is gone like a wake of a boat.
— Wayne Dyer

I’ve highlighted the crap out of this thing. Not sure how helpful that is, but ok. Most of them are of brief sentences where he drove things home. I’ve seen video of his specials. The book really is written how he spoke.  

As a for instance, there is a story about being a one bagger or a two bagger. I won’t spoil it and give the answer, but it’ll stick in your head like Velcro. Also, I can’t imagine why everyone wouldn’t want to be no limit! 

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. 
— Wayne Dyer

Just now, I was looking in my kindle app for things I highlighted and ended up reading the next bit. The feeling you have as you read is satisfaction. The book doesn’t screw you around. When he asks something, he answers.  

There is so much to learn, but I’m taking it in small bites. 

The best lesson is in its title. Happiness is the way. See what I mean? Simple.